Have an old desktop or laptop computer laying around the house or stuffed in a closet that you're not using anymore? Maybe you got a new computer for Christmas and you haven't gotten rid of your old one yet?
Even if you think it's no good anymore, we can still use the parts and recycle the rest. We also transfer data and clear the hard drive free of charge.
It's such an easy way to help Tucson!

Our Medical Equipment Loaner Bank is at the heart of what we do, and your donations go a long way in keeping us going. We accept items such as wheelchairs, walkers, transfer benches, shower benches, oxygen concentrators, braces, grabbers and scooters.
No hospital beds please.

Financial Donations
You can help Tucson's most needy members directly with your monetary contribution. Your dollars will go toward providing medical equipment for our free Loaner Bank, affordable computers for our community including computers for students and job seeking adults, and more. PLUS... you can get a dollar for dollar Arizona Tax Credit!

Legacy Donations
Your will or living trust is a simple way to have a long term impact on fellow Tucsonans that are struggling. It's so easy - just add one sentence to your will. There's no cost to you, and you can change it at any time. Even a small donation helps.
Designate We Care Tucson as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan, life insurance policy or commercial annuity. These are all easy ways through which you can help. Simply contact your plan administrator or financial institution to get a change of beneficiary form. Chose a percentage that you would like We Care Tucson to receive and return the completed form to the institution.

Volunteer Opportunities
We would love to add your particular talent and enthusiasm to our team. We have a number of areas in which you, as a volunteer, can make a contribution, including front office assistance, medical equipment and supply distribution, IT maintenance and repair... and we're happy to train you!